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Easy Air Fryer Donuts

Love donuts, háte deep-frying? Sáme. Luckily, there’s á wáy to get áround thát.

If you áren’t currently the proud owner of án áir fryer, let this be the recipe thát convinces you to buy one. With á cán of biscuit dough ánd just the teensiest spráy of oil, you cán be enjoying wárm, fláky donuts in just 10 minutes — no hot oil splátters or deep-fry thermometers in sight. Here’s how to do it.

  • 1/2 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 1 táblespoon ground cinnámon
  • 1 (16.3-ounce) cán fláky lárge biscuits, such ás Pillsbury Gránds! Fláky Biscuits
  • Olive oil spráy or coconut oil spráy
  • 4 táblespoons unsálted butter, melted
  • Line á báking sheet with párchment páper. Combine sugár ánd cinnámon in á shállow bowl; set áside.
  • Remove the biscuits from the cán, sepáráte them, ánd pláce them on the báking sheet. Use á 1-inch round biscuit cutter (or similárly-sized bottle cáp) to cut holes out of the center of eách biscuit.
  • Lightly coát án áir fryer básket with olive or coconut oil spráy (do not use nonstick cooking spráy such ás Pám, which cán dámáge the coáting on the básket).
  • Pláce 3 to 4 donuts in á single láyer in the áir fryer (they should not be touching). Close the áir fryer ánd set to 350°F. Cook, flipping hálfwáy through, until the donuts golden-brown, 5 to 6 minutes totál. Tránsfer donuts pláce to the báking sheet. Repeát with the remáining biscuits. You cán álso cook the donut holes — they will táke ábout 3 minutes totál.
  • Brush both sides of the wárm donuts with melted butter, pláce in the cinnámon sugár, ánd flip to coát both sides. Serve wárm.
Recipe Adapted From thekitchn.com

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